Killing The Golden Goose

In an earlier post “The Blue Planet” I wondered whether we might actually be alone as the only sentient beings in our galaxy, if not the Universe, and if so that suggests a great responsibility on us to ensure that we live in a sustainable way on our unique planet. Having watched ‘Human Universe’ on…

The Blue Planet

Easter Sunday 2014 and together with Mrs C I am walking along an almost completely deserted beach on a nature reserve near Knysna in South Africa. Almost deserted except for a couple of folk line fishing from the beach (should they be doing that in a nature reserve – who knows).  We walked on way…

Nature’s Hard Lesson

Sabie Sand Reserve was unlike we had previously seen it.  In two days, two weeks previously, half a metre of rain had fallen causing wide spread destruction to the sand roads and river crossings, and indeed rivers that previously we had never seen flow were suddenly very alive again.  The effect on the surrounding bush was dramatic –…

Why ‘Re-wilding’ the UK is a Good Idea

According to Wikipedia, re-wilding is: ‘large-scale conservation aimed at restoring and protecting core wilderness areas, providing connectivity between such areas, and protecting or reintroducing apex predators and keystone species. Rewilding projects may require ecological restoration, particularly to restore connectivity between fragmented protected areas, and reintroduction of predators where extirpated.’ For thousands of years we have…


Politics is probably the best best breeding ground for a particular variety of intellectual activity, demonstrated for years by politicians of every hue.  This activity is called ‘muddled thinking’ and is the cornerstone of all strategic policy making.  It involves thinking about strategic policy in isolation.  I don’t mean only thinking about strategic policy, but…

How Green is Your Government Revisited

It’s not just me – 41 organisations including the World Wildlife Fund, RSPB and Campaign for the Protection of Rural England no less also think David Cameron’s government is failing to fulfill HIS promises.  BBC report dated 19 November 2013 reads: The government is failing to deliver a third of its commitments to protect the…

Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics

In a recent BBC2 programme statistical entertainer Hans Rosling demonstrated that you can prove any idea, no matter how bizarre, using statistics.  Starting with your desired outcome and then finding statistical support for it may work for commercial business cases but is no way to systematically, scientifically and holistically investigate a proposition as serious as…